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“With the new storage I have much more control over the quality of the garlic”

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“With the new storage I have much more control over the quality of the garlic”

In Brunémont, in the department “du Nord” of France, Olivier Drubay specializes in the cultivation of garlic, onions and shallots on loamy to light clay soils in the valley of the river Sensée. After cultivation, the product is dried, cooled and stored and a whole range of manual processing takes place with 10 permanent and 40 temporary employees. Cleaning, sorting, braiding and smoking in special smoking chambers with beech wood is a special process. Finally, the smoked garlic, but also the shallots and onions, are packed for the supermarket. The result is a unique product in terms of shelf life and taste from the region, where Drubay is proud of. In the newly built storage, onions, shallots and garlic are stored and can be ventilated, dried and cooled.